The play tells the story of a young couple, Cathy (played by Carol White) and Reg (Ray Brooks). Initially their relationship flourishes and they have a child and move into a modern home. When Reg is injured and loses his well-paid job, they are evicted by bailiffs, and they face a life of poverty and unemployment, illegally squatting in empty houses and staying in shelters. Finally, Cathy has her children taken away by social services.(本劇情介紹由私人影院喜歡看劇情視頻的小編天天編輯,更多相關(guān)信息可移步至豆瓣電影或劇情網(wǎng)等平臺(tái)了解)
合作伙伴:草民影院 星辰影院 星辰影院 光棍影院 秋霞電影網(wǎng) 星辰影院 木瓜影院 星空影院 星辰影院